
Running the Node

Running the node with docker

The easiest way to run a node is to use the Docker image.

For example, the following command will pull the Docker image, start the syncing process in the testnet (aries) environment, and expose the node's GraphQL API at

docker run -p 4000:4000 freeverseio/livingassetsnode:v1.13.0 --network aries

On a Windows OS, the GraphQL API may be exposed at

One of the main command line options, --network, allows to select one of the two main pre-configured environments:

  • --network mainnet: (default) the production environment, running on Polygon's mainnet.

  • --network aries: the testnet environment, running on Polygon's Mumbai testnet; used for developing projects before primetime.

As usual with Docker, you may find it useful to use volumes in order to have persistent data, and avoid re-syncing from scratch after the node is restarted, e.g. by prepending docker run -v your_vol_name:/.livingassets.

Command line options

The following command line parameters may be used to override the default values:

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